
电话: 025-84895827
传真: (86) 025-84895827
邮箱: xsliu(AT)nuaa.edu.cn
通讯地址: 御道街29号,南京航空航天大学,210016,南京,中国


刘心声 理学博士,南京航空航天大学教授、博士生导师。目前主要研究生物系统(如神经系统)的动力学特征、层级结构和功能的关联,以及对实际结构系统的仿生作用。已在Journal of Machine Learning Research, Scientific ReportsNurocomputingProteins, Amino Acids, Gene, BBRC, Neural Process Lett等国内外期刊发表学术论文80多篇。主持国家自然科学基金等项目,兼任科技部重点专项答辩评审专家等工作。


1998-9至2001-6, 南京大学, 应用数学,博士

1990-9至1993-7, 厦门大学, 应用概率统计, 硕士


2008-5至现在, 南京航空航天大学,教授

2012-12至2013-7, 德国Luebeck大学神经和生物信息学研究所, 访问研究员

2011-11至2012-8, 英国Brunel大学科技学院, 访问研究员

2003-7至2008-4, 南京航空航天大学, 副教授

2001-6至2003-6, 南京大学物理系生物物理研究所, 博士后


生物信息学、神经动力学、贝叶斯网络等因果推断、随机系统演化动态分析, 智能系统


1.     Weisi Liu, Xinsheng Liu*. The Effects of Eye Movements on the Visual Cortical Responding Variability based on a Spiking Network. Nurocomputing 2021, 436: 58–73.

2.        Xuqing Liu, Xinsheng Liu, et al. Precise diagnosis of three top cancers using dbGaP data. Scientific Reports 2021, 11:823.

3.        Renyu Ye, Xinsheng Liu*. How the known reference weakens the visual oblique effect: a Bayesian account of cognitive improvement by cue influence. Scientific Reports 2020, 10:20269.

4.        Yuncai Yu, Xinsheng Liu*. Pointwise wavelet change-points estimation for dependent biased sample. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2020, 380:112986

5.        Zhicheng Chen, Xinsheng Liu*. Bayesian inference for variability discrimination on partial sameness. Nurocomputing, 2019, 359: 163-172.

6.        Xuqing Liu, Xinsheng Liu*. Markov blanket and Markov boundary of multiple variables. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2018, 19:1658-1707. 

7.        Xuqing Liu, Xinsheng Liu*. Structure learning of Bayesian networks by continuous particle swarm optimization algorithms. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2018, 88(8):1528-1556.

8.        Xinsheng Liu*, Zhe Xing, Wanlin Guo. Encoding and decoding neural population signals for two-dimensional stimulus. Neural Process Lett201746549-559.

9.        Yan Li, Xinsheng Liu*, Jens C. Claussen. Evolutionary stability of mixed strategies on graphs. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 2016, 49: 305001.

10.    Xuqing Liu, Xinsheng Liu*. Swamping and Masking in Markov Boundary Discovery. Mach. Learn. 2016, 104:25-54.