
Intelligent Nano Materials and Devices

Date:2020/12/26 20:05:35

  At nanoscale, the coupling between the local field of low-dimensional materials and external physical fields such as mechanical field, electric field, magnetic field and flowing field has become very prominent, forming a unique multi-field coupling and modulation behaviors at this scale. This research direction combines traditional Newton mechanics, quantum mechanics and solid-state physics and has demonstrated a series of distinct mechanical-electronic-magnetic-thermal coupling effects of low-dimensional carbon materials, boron nitride and other materials, as well as new phenomena and rules based on solid-liquid coupling hydrovoltaic effects.


Coupling between local and external fields (F-force, E-electric field, M-magnetic field, O-optical, T-thermal) at nanoscale

And tunable properties of typical low-dimensional materials by mechano-electro-magnetic coupling


Substrate‐dependent 2D boron structures


Generating electricity by moving a droplet of ionic liquid along graphene


Waving potential in graphene


Mechanisms and applications of emerging hydrovoltaic technology