
Xinsheng Liu, Professor

Telephone: 025-84895827
Fax: (86) 025-84895827
E-mail: xsliu(AT)nuaa.edu.cn
Mailing Address: 325# No.29 Yudao Street, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 210016, Nanjing, China


Dr. Xinsheng Liu is a full Professor in Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). His current research interests are focused on the dynamic characteristics of biological systems (such as the neural system), the relationship between hierarchical structure and function, and the bionic effect on actual structural systems. More than 80 papers have been published in journals such as Journal of Machine Learning Research, Scientific Reports,Nurocomputing,Proteins, Amino Acids, Gene, BBRC, Neural Process Lett. He has presided over the projects such as National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Education background

1998.09-2001.06: PhD student, Nanjing University

1990.09-1993.07: Master student, Xiamen University

Research experience

Since 2008.05: Professor, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

2012.12-2013.07: Visiting researcher, Institute of Neurology and Bioinformatics, University of Luebeck, Germany

2011.11-2012.08: Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Science and Technology, Brunel University, UK

2003.07-2008.04: Associate Professor, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

2001.06-2003.06: Postdoc, Institute of Biophysics, Nanjing University

Research interest

Bioinformatics, neurodynamics, Bayesian network and other causal inference, evolutional dynamic analysis for stochastic system, intelligent system

Representative works

1.     Weisi Liu, Xinsheng Liu*. The Effects of Eye Movements on the Visual Cortical Responding Variability based on a Spiking Network. Nurocomputing 2021, 436: 58–73.

2.        Xuqing Liu, Xinsheng Liu, et al. Precise diagnosis of three top cancers using dbGaP data. Scientific Reports 2021, 11:823.

3.        Renyu Ye, Xinsheng Liu*. How the known reference weakens the visual oblique effect: a Bayesian account of cognitive improvement by cue influence. Scientific Reports 2020, 10:20269.

4.        Yuncai Yu, Xinsheng Liu*. Pointwise wavelet change-points estimation for dependent biased sample. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2020, 380:112986

5.        Zhicheng Chen, Xinsheng Liu*. Bayesian inference for variability discrimination on partial sameness. Nurocomputing, 2019, 359: 163-172.

6.        Xuqing Liu, Xinsheng Liu*. Markov blanket and Markov boundary of multiple variables. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2018, 19:1658-1707. 

7.        Xuqing Liu, Xinsheng Liu*. Structure learning of Bayesian networks by continuous particle swarm optimization algorithms. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2018, 88(8):1528-1556.

8.        Xinsheng Liu*, Zhe Xing, Wanlin Guo. Encoding and decoding neural population signals for two-dimensional stimulus. Neural Process Lett201746549-559.

9.        Yan Li, Xinsheng Liu*, Jens C. Claussen. Evolutionary stability of mixed strategies on graphs. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 2016, 49: 305001.

10.    Xuqing Liu, Xinsheng Liu*. Swamping and Masking in Markov Boundary Discovery. Mach. Learn. 2016, 104:25-54.