Zhiqiang Zhao, Min Yi, Wanlin Guo, Zhuhua Zhang
Physical Review B ,2024,110,184115
Abstract: High Nb-containing TiAl alloys exhibit exceptional high-temperature strength and room-temperature ductility, making them widely used in hot-section components of automotive and aerospace engines. However, the lack of accurate interatomic interaction potential for large-scale modeling severely hampers a comprehensive understanding of the failure mechanism of Ti-Al-Nb alloys and the development of strategies to enhance the mechanical properties. Here, we develop a general-purpose machine-learned potential (MLP) for the Ti-Al-Nb ternary system by combining the neural evolution potential framework with an active learning scheme. The developed MLP, trained on extensive first-principles datasets, demonstrates remarkable accuracy in predicting various lattice and defect properties as well as high-temperature characteristics such as thermal expansion and melting point for TiAl systems. Notably, this potential can effectively describe the key effect of Nb doping on stacking fault energies and formation energies. Of practical importance is that our MLP enables large-scale molecular dynamics simulations involving tens of millions of atoms with ab initio accuracy, achieving an outstanding balance between computational speed and accuracy. These results pave the way for elucidating micromechanical behaviors and failure mechanism TiAl lamellar structures and developing high-performance TiAl alloys towards applications at elevated temperatures.
Link: https://journals.aps.org/prb/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevB.110.184115